Planning for Packing
Two of my favorite things to do are to go on a trip and to pack for that trip. My friends all dread packing and put it off until the last minute, sometimes an hour before leaving for the airport. I am the complete opposite though and when I begin to write a packing list two weeks before a trip it makes me excited. The trip may be two weeks away, but it is something that I can do when I must wait as patiently as possible for a get-away. Before I pull out a suitcase, I pull out a pen and notepad and list everything I will need to bring with me. From the suitcase itself down to the smallest of pocket mirrors, I must list everything in an extremely detailed manner. So as I face a trip on the horizon I ask myself, do I delve into my deep desires of writing lists to plan an outfit for every occasion or do I bring the looks that never belonged in my small town to the city that never sleeps? The hunger to be able to know what I’m going to encounter so I can prepare is growling but it is no...